"..Again it started with 'ermm'.."
Ermm......yeah..here me out again for u tonite my dear..hahaha..its already midnite but i'm stil not turning going to sleep..adoihaihh..just finished up doin my work..but still not sleepy even my eyes is turning similiar to bee like a kerang rebus ..hahaha..gilo kuat pengaruh APO..;p
ermm..wut i'm going to write tonite hah..no idea but still keep going press the keyboard in a very fast speed...betul ke neh? hehehe..please friends out there..please telling me what good and what is not good..i'm very glad if you people can leave ur comment over there..under every of my entry ..heee~ kalau xnak pun xpe..because it is not more than just a words..rite? hihihi..just give me an idea...and dont make my life is more complicated seh..hehehe..zalim giler..whoaaa..
ermm..so, fast forward of thinking does not make any sense to me..because i can't think it as fast as forward..hahahah..apo daa..thats mean my brain was so lembap and can't think what eva idea now la my dear...lol!!~ xoxo...hihihi..
ermm..but one thing that i'm very sure is...and it suppose to be clear...that..ermm...i miss some one...phewwww...hahaha..really2 mean it..even they (s/he) do not know..but God is always know me well..huh..can't describe it more clearly for this part... even i'm very thoughfulness before but not for this part ha...hihi..(i'm also do not understand well)..it make me blurted in writing anyway of what i feel..but really i miss u...and will be wait for you here...hahaha..jiwangs seh..i hate this..but it was a part of my life which i neva wanted but it come...ahaakkkss..so just accept it as a fate..hahaha...wish all of you have a good day..
miss u 2!!!...=)~ayeh
hahaha..thank God..:) tq dear!
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