cOme for a new updates....for a long time i didnt update the entry of this the way tiba-tiba gatal nak speaking pulak kan..hehe..byk benda yg berlaku semenjak dua menjak ni tak sempat untuk aku the way i've already got a new job last month in Kolej Ptpl Penang as a lecturer of the malaysian studies and moral education the right this 2 subject actually is a cumpulsory subject for ipts students..nak tak nak they all have to sit for this paper..kalau kat ipta macam titas dengan hubungan etnik la kan..tapi yang mengadanya kolej ni this two subject have to teach in english..kolej ptpl lain ajar dalam bm je far for one month i'm just continue the module of the previous lecturer..tak tau la aku apasal lecturer before ni behenti keja dengar kate dapat keja lain yang lebih lumayan..biasala rezeki masing-masing...first and for most the office envinronment was very bored..bosan gile..tak tau la sebab belum kenal orang lagi...there was a lot of chinese staff..biasa la penang...maklum la baru first time keje dengan private sector..itu tak bole ini tak bole..before this my working hours is 9-5 lunch 1 hour between 12-1 or 1-2..but for the 2nd week i've already transfer into annexx B..which is another building of my working hours is from 8.30-5.30 because start from 1st feb we all sume dah tak keje hari sabtu..tapi aku still have to work on saturday..afternoon lak tu because i have a partime student..nak tak nak aku kena berkorban la..sedih gila..but my class will end on this 19 feb so just tinggal 1 week la before i got a new schedule..harap jadual baru tak de partime student..(mimpi la kot).
So nak tak nak aku takde pilihan kot..kena la aku bertahan di tempat sekarang ni..actually if compared to school i love teaching in school rather than the collegue..jauh beza kot nak ajar budak yang dah besar dengan ajar budak sekolah..tambah aku kena ajar dalam bi..lagi la aku kantoi..tapi aku belasah je ckp bm kadang-kadang tu..sebab aku duk speaking lebih-lebih pun budak bukan faham apa aku cakap..hahaha..tapi sebenarnya aku yang tak reti nak explain dalam bi..huk3..howeva it is..aku rasa jiwa pendidik ni macam dah sebati dengan aku kot..sampai kadang-kadang aku tak tau nak buat keja lain selain mengajaq..hahaha..tak tau la..i'm still trying to get other job especially gov sector..ciput weh gaji tempat sekarang mcm tak padan dengan kelulusan dan keja yang bertimbun..(ye ke..mcm xde keje je pn)hehehe its not keja yang bertimbun but tanggungjawab yang berat..have to settle it on time...ape-ape pun aku bahagia mengajar..every single knowledge that i have i share with my i'm always seek for a knowledge everyday and every single time..i love it very much..but if we talking about the envoirnment..uhh...suck..tapi still bole tahan lar..tahan je la cik azida oi...hehe..
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